Monday, May 9, 2011

When you do nothing at all

Yes, this title to the blog does sound like this Ronan Keating song which was used for the movie Notting Hill. But the theme for this blog is more on the lines of joblessness at work rather than love or romance. So if any of you are looking for a nice breezy love story or some gyaan about romance and relationships, you can close this page and enjoy the whole song I have given a link to. For those of you who have been and will be jobless at work, please read on since I can guarantee that you will be able to relate to it.

If you were to ask an online dictionary to define joblessness, they would define in one of many ways which include "Having no Job", ""Unemployment occurs when a person is willing to work but currently without work." But my definition currently is "The state in which someone has a job but has nothing to do at work for a particular period of time." I am writing this piece of literature sitting in office only because I am feeling joblessness to its full potential at this very moment. I wish I was as creative as these innovative people, but unfortunately I am not. I prefer to put any little creativity I have to writing out this blog post. It seems like a long time since I blogged, but it was only a week ago that I blogged last.

The other thing I've been doing is use gmail chat to its fullest potential (barring video and voice chat, for they'd strangle me at work if I used those) by pinging all those people I've been out of touch with. It turns out that the number of people I pinged is a pretty big number. But then again, I guess its good that I got back in touch with them. I got a chance to find out how many of them had actually forgotten I existed till I pinged them (just kidding folks, not blaming anyone, don't send me any e-howlers). I also got to know how many people I had forgotten to keep in touch with (not kidding here).

Nobody to blame here, since circumstances are responsible for all that happens in a person's -----Forgive me for this piece of boring gyaan I am giving, its the joblessness thats getting to me! I wish the IPL games would happen from 930AM to 5PM PST. So that way, I wouldn't have to think twice about what can keep me occupied when I am just not in the mood to do work. You folks still reading?? Well, you do have Some patience, I tell ya! In any case, for those still not drooling away on your keyboards, think back to the days when you've been jobless at work, and I am sure you would have done similar things to kill time.

As one great person said, being bored is a precious thing, a state of mind we should pursue; And thats exactly what I've been doing since I walked in to work on this fine day. Oh and there was a meeting that was supposed to throw me off-guard by being one hour long, but as it turns out, it lasted only a few minutes. Murphy of Murphy's law fame is always with me for anything and everything. Lets just hope he isn't with you guys all the time.


Josna said...

loved the last paragraph..:)

shazia said...

Is it the joblessness or no mood to work, I'm kinda confused here ;)

Watz said...

I am jobless because I have no mood to work. Whichever way it is, the end result is creativity. :)