Thursday, April 28, 2011

The will of the Halwa

Its a beautiful day and I am sitting in front of a modern idiot box watching Tony Stark slowly turn into Iron Man. On this very fine day, one of my close friends' parents are flying down from India to stay with their kid. This can mean only one thing for me. No, I am not talking about missing my parents or shifting within the house to accommodate their stay. What I am talking about is gaining weight because of some awesome cooking that is coming our way. Its not just the cooking thats going to force me to bloat, but a whole bunch of sweets and snacks that are making their way through customs at the San Francisco airport as I type this.

I look at the glee on my roommate's face as they enter the house, and at that instant I knew what I was in for. Loads of parental love, home cooked food (I cant but mention this repeatedly, because there is absolutely no escaping it), pampering and sightseeing. Before I can finish writing this blog, I would have eaten a sumptuous meal, a ladoo, a kaju burfi, some Kerala special banana chips and something more that they've brought. I do owe it all to my friend who is shuttling up and down with all the savories that I've not seen in a long time.

What intrigues me is the phase that will follow soon after all the pampering is back on its way to India. We will probably realize that in spite of several attempts to maintain our weight (actually attempts to lose weight would be near impossible), we have actually gained weight and need to work harder than before to lose it. I can smell the Kerala special Halwa sitting on the kitchen top teasing me- (Talking to myself) Stop! you shouldn't be thinking about it! Think about the gym, and how fresh it feels after a workout;How much fun it is to play several hours of tennis and burn some calories- Nooooo! I want to taste that Halwa, this very moment! And as they say, the rest is history. That neatly sliced piece of Halwa found its way through a lot of grinding teeth to settle at the bottom of a very satisfactory stomach that belongs to me.

I don't have too much more to say after succumbing to the will of the Halwa. I concede defeat for a brief period. But I shall, like any other guy would, make a conscious effort to not eat the Laddoo that is now teasing me from inside the refrigerator. :)


Pooja Iyer said...

Every man's deep regrets, which turn into sins over time :)

shazia said...

Now i want Halwa tooooooooo.... waaaaaaaaaa

Josna said...

ha ha.. ur blog somehow makes the halwa seem like the best halwa in kerala..:)