Sunday, April 17, 2011

Living my life and only mine

One whole day, spent all by myself sure did give a me lots of time to introspect. Sometimes I think its good to sit alone at home with nothing to do. Its only then that you realize that there is actually something you can do at home, like cleaning it. You get to listen to just the kind of music you've always wanted to listen to or watch the movies you like to kill time on. Its a good thing to be bored sometimes, you get to appreciate the value of free time.

What I got to do over this past day is something that not too many people get to do these days. I lived my life only for myself and did not have to do anything that was constrained by events, people and work. I enjoyed cooking again, especially making rasam, which has always been one of my specialties. I listened to Iron Maiden and did not have to worry about anyone around me not liking the kind of music they shell out. I cleaned the house in my own way taking all the time I could get. I watched football and cricket and volleyball. Just goes to show how many things a person gets to do when they get their own free time.

It is on these kind of days that you get to reassess where life is heading. A clarity of thought usually sets in and one's mind gets recharged to tackle the everyday problems that one is thrown at. After almost several months, I had a day where I spoke on the phone with almost no one. There were no incoming or outgoing calls to my phone and there were hardly any conversations from my gmail-chat. Just goes to show the busyness in people's lives and also points out that not everyone remembers everyone, during a typical day in their life.

I go to sleep at the end of this rather uneventful day with a huge loaf of satisfaction down my throat. This feeling owing to the fact that I am doing one other thing that I usually don't get too much time to do, and that is writing another post for this blog. I hope and expect that people don't waste any opportunities to live their lives for themselves every once in a while, and stay away from the white noise that they include as part of their daily routine.

1 comment:

Josna said...

nice one srivats...