Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Choti Si Love Story......

Once upon a time in a small village there was a well built guy who was studying in a well known engineering college. Velu nayaKKar(VN is what I shall call him from now on) hailed from the the nearby city which was close to his college. He was excellent in his academics and was planning to do a MS in the US of A and he had laid the perfect platform for it by getting a very good GRE score. I his pre-final year he took up a very important responsibility and joined a group of 10 others who had also taken up the same role for their own departments. This group gelled together very well and they had great fun with each other.

Their frequent visits to a very nice coffee shop slowly brought out some facts about a very special friend of VN. He used to speak to her regularly on the phone. AJ as we shall call her, was studying in a college nearby VN's and hailed from his school.She was someone VN called a very good friend and nothing more. Her placement season had started and she was gearing up for it. VN was a pillar of support for her and would keep feeding her tips and confidence boosters to equip her for the competition ahead of her. He also had another cousin of his studying in the same college as AJ's but he never cares to ask her about her placements or try to find out if she has been preparing well.

The placement at AJ's college kicked off and VN got all tense. This was a big surprise to all his friends GoBu, google, bumbum, AG et al. They all, though harbouring doubts in their minds about his feelings for her, would keep asking him why he was getting tensed up for his friend's placements. He would just escape by giving some silly reply like- "Close friend da". Company after company came and went and AJ was not making it through. VN would speak hours put together on the phone to console her and motivate her for the next company in line at her college.

And then came the fine day when AJ successfully made it through the recruitment process conducted by a company with a lot of Scope for performance and growth. VN was delighted on that day and even went to the extent of treating his friends Frisky and Baggar to ice-creams for her placement. All the 10 others in his group were taken aback by this action. More than being taken by shock they were all surprised and their doubts about VN's feelings for AJ were cleared up now. they could clearly see that VN had a very special in his heart for AJ, who people now believed was his long time crush.

The more funny thing was that from a few days prior to her placement, VN had taken a vow to have a shave only on the day she got placed. And the day after AJ got her job, Vn finally got rid of his horrible unshaven look and seemed to have a head half the size it was without the shave. One other day at a restaurant in his hometown, he was enjoying lunch with his friends when one of his schoolmates walked in and greeted him. Their conversation shifted toward his girl and this schoolmate also made fun of VN with AJ. The blood in his veins rushed to his brains and in a fit of rage and a wild swing of his arm to call for the waiter, VN had knocked out a few thick glass tumblers from the table and in the process breaking them.

Well, now all that his friends hoped for was a bigger treat from VN after a successful proposal to AJ. That is yet to happen people. And when it does, I shall inform you all about this Choti Si Love Story......

1 comment:

Unknown said...


who is this about? i recognize the nickname GoBu. but the story bears a lot of resemblance to certain events in june 07. ;)